+92 315 5319657

Tax Compliance Dead Lines


Tax Compliance Dead Lines–Periodic and Annual Tax compliances

A-Income Tax

Companies (Income Tax Returns)

Filing of Income Tax Return and statement of  final tax

(along with Final Financial Statements)


Annual Final Date
When Tax Year ends during January 1-June30 1xAnnual On or Before December 31
When Tax Year ends during July 1 – December 31 1xAnnual On or Before September 30


Individuals/ AOPs/Proprietorships (Income Tax Returns)

Salaried/ Business individuals 1xAnnual On or Before September 30
AOPs (Registered/Unregistered) 1xAnnual On or Before September 30
Proprietorships 1xAnnual On or Before September 30


Income Tax Withholding Statements

Filing of Withholding Statements

(As withholding  tax agent)

4xQuarterly On or before 20th of the month next to end of each Quarter


Annual Income Tax Withholding Statements

In case of salary only 1xAnnual On or before July 31 each year
In case other than salary 1xAnnual On or before July 30 each year


Annual Statements of Reconciliation of Withholding Taxes

Annual statements of Reconciliation of withholding Taxes 1xAnnual As per section 118- Same as due date of filing tax return



 B-Sales Tax Returns

Filing of Federal and Provincial Sales Tax Returns 12xMonthly On or before 18th of the month next to the end of each month (Date to complete annex-C is 10th and tax to be deposited on or before 15th)


Annual Sales Tax Returns

Annual Sales Tax Returns (Companies only) 1xAnnual For a FY on or before September 30 of the following FY


Filing of Annual Audited Accounts with Auditors Certificate to Provincial Revenue Authorities

Filing of Annual Audited Accounts with Auditors Certificate to Provincial Revenue Authorities


1xAnnual As prescribed by concerned Authority

